Four years later in May 2009, the tribunal dismissed the complaint saying that it was "unsubstantiated".
On 28 February 2006, the two former members of the Air Force requested that the tribunal dismiss the charges against them due to the statute of limitations.
As for Mr Gilbert, an industrial tribunal dismissed his claim of unfair discrimination.
On October 10, 2008, the tribunal dismissed the complaint, stating that the Maclean's article did not violate the province's hate speech law.
The woman was recognized and arrested a couple of months later, but the subsequent military tribunal dismissed her case for "lack of evidence."
The Roman Catholic Church won a significant victory here today when a constitutional tribunal dismissed a legal challenge to compulsory religious teaching and prayers in public schools.
The tribunal dismissed her case of religious discrimination but found that she had been victimised.
Its owner had claimed the animal was also whipped, but within the last few minutes, a tribunal has dismissed the accusations.
The tribunal dismissed all but one complaint relating to McBride's treatment of patients.
Also the tribunal, if it considers it necessary, can dismiss any claims it considers frivolous, vexatious or not brought in good faith.