The procedure is expected to be brief, followed by a 45-day adjournment before the tribunal begins the substantive part of the trial.
Since the tribunal, backed by the United Nations, began work in 1997, it has convicted 27 people and acquitted 5.
Public hearings concluded in September 2008, and following several delays due to legal challenges, the tribunal began preparing its final report.
The tribunals began their work in October 1939.
The tribunal has begun its investigations with the Srebrenica case for a number of reasons.
Again because the caseload was impossibly large, the German tribunals began to look for ways to speed up the process.
The tribunal began hearing arguments on February 1, 1877.
Roman tribunals began in the comitium before other alternative locations became acceptable.
The first military tribunals for some prisoners at Guantánamo may begin this summer, an event that is expected to draw new criticism.
The tribunal began operations on 1 July 1993.