All these were gathered around the throne between Jesus and the assembled tribulation saints.
Antichrist will come against tribulation saints and the 144,000 witnesses springing up all over the world from the tribes of Israel.
If you have placed your trust in Christ alone for salvation by grace through faith, you are a true tribulation saint.
Have you joined the ranks of the tribulation saints?
We are referred to as tribulation saints.
The other bunch are these Christians who call themselves tribulation saints.
One huge benefit to tribulation saints was that Greece seemed above suspicion as a spring of rebellion.
Somehow the Lord arranged it so that only those who knew each tribulation saint witnessed them getting their reward.
The day would come, Buck knew, when the sign of the cross on the forehead would have to say everything between tribulation saints.
Stories poured in of obscure tribal groups understanding in their own languages and becoming tribulation saints.