The Mattauw campaign had been easier than expected and the tribe submitted after having their village razed by fire.
A Federal mediator then asked state officials and the tribe to submit separate plans for casino gambling.
States, territories, and tribes can submit an application to EPA to obtain primary enforcement responsibility, or primacy.
Certain tribes of the remote interior have not yet submitted to French authority.
Under Maclean's administration, several coastal tribes had submitted voluntarily to British protection.
The native tribes submitted to the Qing Empire.
The nation retained its autonomy, but the tribe in Mississippi submitted to state and federal laws.
The tribe did this quickly and submitted themselves to Muadz, Muhammad's envoy in Yemen.
Peace talks failed and it looked as if the war would continue until all the tribes had submitted to Rome or been exterminated.
Several tribes submitted to the Caliph after Khalid's decisive victories.