His tribe comprised famed metal smiths and was granted land near a mountain quarry that looked like a helmet, from which they got their name 突厥.
This tribe comprises 21 species in 3 genera:
The main tribes and ethnic groups comprise of Gurjars, Maliars, Pathans, Syeds and some others.
At the turn of the 20th century the tribe comprised both nomadic (bedouin) and sedentary sections.
The tribe comprises 14 distinct Indian tribes that banded together in the 1850s for the purpose of making treaties with the federal government.
The tribe comprises a little more than 3,800 enrolled members who reside in northeastern North Carolina's Halifax and Warren counties.
Five major tribes comprise eight settlements on the Jordanian side.
This tribe comprises woody bamboos (or hardy bamboos).
These tribes comprised approximately 200 gentes (clans), each of which contributed one senator ("elder") to the Senate.
The tribe comprises seven traditional villages (Kw'amutsun, Qwum'yiqun', Hwulqwselu, S'amuna', L'uml'umuluts, Hinupsum, Tl'ulpalus).