The tribe has become more open to intermarriage.
That the tribe has become rich and influential is, to him, unacceptable.
The dwarves in the early times had scattered over the face of the land, seeking the highest places, and tribes had become separated.
However, Indian tribes are becoming more economically independent in recent years.
Q. Is that causing a problem, that tribes are becoming sovereign nations within what used to be a town?
"The tribes in the south that have been relatively inactive have become more active," he said.
The tribes have become among the biggest spenders in California politics since a 1999 law allowed them to open casinos on tribal land.
By the 19th century, many native languages and tribes were becoming extinct and knowledge of the old ways was dying.
Very soon the little tribe lost all fear and became so trusting that they no longer skittered away when Louisa walked among them.
Degraded as his tribe had become, Burl was yet a little more intelligent.