The inauguration of the township was held and tribal rites followed.
As a tribal rite, corn powder is rubbed on the newborn.
The smaller scenes, when the tribal rites of the teenagers are examined, have a life of their own.
I ran into some kind of tribal rite in the parking lot.
And here in the south, near the desert peoples with their inscrutable tribal rites, reports like this were not unknown.
He received a traditional Aboriginal education including bush craft, tribal rites and ceremonies.
It's to guard your house or keep off spirits or to use in a particular tribal rite.
In the 20th century, however, bohemianism has been expanded into an international culture with its very own mores and tribal rites.
The tribal rite now complete, our hipness assured, it was time to say goodnight.
Furthermore, how shall we classify dance, common to tribal rite and opera?