The Republic are unbeaten at home in their last 16 games, but if recent results point to only one winner, they know form can be a fickle friend when tribal passions are aroused.
But it also released ethnic tensions, tribal and national passions which had long been suppressed.
The 164-page book, "Nzeogwu," has stirred up never-dormant tribal passions here and has revived unhappy memories of the Biafra secession.
The debate draws on deep tribal passions and a history of mutual animosity and suspicion that date from even before May 1, 1707, the day Scotland and England were formally united.
Africa had not traveled that far along the way from the simple brutality of tribal passions to permit any reaction other than violence.
"I was raised to hate the Giants," Chris Clarke said with tribal passion.
On the one hand stand nationalism, pan-Slavism, tribal passions, anti-Semitism and the persecution of Gypsies; on the other a weakened idea of European unity and tolerance.
It was a difficult moment for Nigeria as the January 15 coup had inflamed tribal passions and divided the military, and Aguiyi-Ironsi more or less did not know what to do.
Democratic impulses, it is now becoming clear to officials, will have to compete with more deeply rooted tribal, ethnic, religious and nationalist passions, which were long-suppressed by the cold war but are now coming to the surface.
But Europe still has two colliding forces, those being "tribal passions and civic principles," Mr. Havel said, and the greatest threats to peace now come from local conflicts fueled by nationalism.