But the front said it was ready to discuss a cease-fire with commanders of the Government army provided it promised to end the tribal massacres and cooperate in apprehending those responsible for them.
There is still enough bad news to fill the headlines - earthquakes, tribal massacres, terrorism and such.
Sharp's new post is Kamanga, a former British colony now prone to brutal tribal massacres.
The 16-nation Economic Community of West African States had proposed sending a multinational peacekeeping force to Liberia to prevent tribal massacres.
With the connivance of Colonel Qaddafi of Libya, an Islamic fundamentalist regime now foments civil war and tribal massacres.
These rivalries could touch off movements for secession or even lead to the kind of horrific tribal massacres convulsing Rwanda.
To the outside world, the tribal massacres there were an inexplicable horror, an atavistic replaying of ancient hatreds.
BURUNDI Scene of recurring tribal massacres, lost its chance for reconciliation with last year's coup that killed first Hutu president.
To shield these supporters, Mr. Kabila obstructed United Nations efforts to investigate alleged tribal massacres.
But certain episodes of mass lethality and horror-the Middle Passage, Stalin's "liquidations," the organized tribal massacres in Africa, even Bosnia-cannot be so easily dismissed.