In this country, rich with cocoa, timber and diamonds, guns are as plentiful as mangos in March, and longstanding tribal enmities are easily deployed.
They eyed each other silently, their mutual tribal enmity seething beneath their cloak of formality.
Initially, the fighting seemed to be based on tribal enmity between the Zulu and the Xhosa.
There can be no true victories as long as we ignore the tribal enmities that exist between our third baseman and our shortstop.
Compared to the men-ace that was unleashed deep below this mountain, their old tribal enmities seemed petty and foolish.
The Taliban beat the women, cut the heads off people, went to the north and made tribal enmity for Afghan people.
But the pact they signed has been undermined by personal, political and tribal enmities.
Mr President, all over the world work is being done to resolve long-standing conflicts and bring together communities divided by history and by old tribal enmities and hatreds.
Starved for peace of spirit after so long and bitter a war, the tribes quickly adopted the meditations as lifestyle...and once they'd begun their spiritual searchings in earnest, the last of the tribal enmity had disappeared completely.
The tribal enmities that fueled the battle between ethnic Hema and Lendu militias for control of Bunia seem to hardly matter anymore.