Like Dee, she rose from poverty, got an education, explored her African tribal ancestry, and participated in the Civil Rights Movement.
Their function was to clothe the individual in his/her tribal ancestry.
In 2010 the tribe passed amendments emphasizing blood quantum or minimum amounts of tribal ancestry to qualify individuals for membership and as candidates for public office.
Say, "What are the qualities by which we can identify a late-20th-century American as 'genuinely Indian,' certifiably tied to a tribal ancestry and culture and entitled to participate in tribal self-government?"
It was the author's own tribal ancestry which inspired the writing of this fictionalized anthropological mini-survey.
But over all the show invokes the mysterious incantatory powers of artists, whether of tribal or Western European ancestry.
Although many Indians were of more than one tribal ancestry, they had to choose only one.
Campbell, of Indigenous Australian heritage with tribal ancestry that can be traced to the Arrente.
Burgoyne is of Indigenous Australian descent with tribal ancestry that can be traced to the Kokatha (Nunga) in South Australia.
Lovett has Indigenous Australian heritage and his tribal ancestry can be traced to the Gunditjmara.