In the space of two weeks, the Moroccans and their tribal allies had asserted control over most of Ifni, isolating inland Spanish units from the capital.
France made extensive use of tribal allies (goumiers) as auxiliaries in its North African possessions.
According to a senior CIA officer who helped devise the overall strategy, the CIA provided intelligence, experience, cash, covert action capabilities, and entr e to tribal allies.
The power of the al-Bu Nasir and their tribal allies reached its zenith in the 1990s, when Saddam's regime was under great strain from the effects of international sanctions.
Two of the northernmost tribal allies, the Guligan and Dubo (都播) did not participate in any of the revolts.
In 43 AD, Claudius sent Aulus Plautius with four legions to Britain (Britannia) after an appeal from an ousted tribal ally.
Champlain joined forces with the Huron Confederacy and its tribal allies against the Iroquois Confederacy in the long struggle to control the fur trade.
Those defeats by the advancing Chinese had made their tribal allies lose confidence in them.
However, his armies zealously murdered Sunnis and actively persecuted them through tribal allies of the Shah.
He is an absolute ruler whose family and tribal allies run Abu Dhabi and the other emirates with little concern about democratic practices or the sharing of power.