Across the street a small playground faces the house on an otherwise undeveloped triangular lot.
The hotel will sit on a triangular lot that was most recently home to the Farm and Garden Nursery.
Situated on a triangular lot, the building is designed in the flatiron style.
The firehouse will be built on a tiny triangular lot near the north end of the village.
The 73,000-square-foot triangular lot is occupied by a 5,200-square-foot Citibank.
The structure is located on a triangular lot in the southern end of the commercial district in Worcester.
The building is found on a triangular lot at the southeast corner of the intersection of Villa and State Streets.
They were built on a triangular lot, largely in the evenings and on weekends, without any known blueprints or plans, from 1921 to 1954.
By 1920, the neighborhood was filled with architect-designed homes and the curve of Manheim Road created a triangular lot landscaped as a park.
"In the back of the school, there was this major eyesore," he recalled - a triangular lot filled with garbage, paper, old toys and broken bicycles.