A recent trial led by a team at Duke found that treating serious cases with a combination of talk therapy and antidepressants was most successful at reducing symptoms and adverse events.
In a trial led by JAG Branch, General Hassan Khan was immediately retired from the Army and further relieved from any benefits given to the retired officers.
The third trial, led by Dr. March, appeared in the Aug. 18 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.
WPI has been included in a multi-center trial, led by Ian Lipkin, that is intended to settle the XMRV-CFS question conclusively.
The first trial, led by Professor Murray Bornstein, was performed in a single center, double-blind, placebo controlled trial and included 50 patients.
All of these Armed Forces and Services commanders were forcefully retired in a stand-up military trial led by the Judge Advocate General Branch.
However after detailed discussions around the final CoolCap protocol broke down, the Network began a separate trial led by Seetha Shankaran.
A trial of the antipsychotic medication quetiapine, led by McGorry, attracted criticism on ethical grounds and was discontinued.
It outlined the genesis, process, ambition and importance of the trial led by the Allies at Nuremberg focussing on the accused, whose culpability for the war crimes is demonstrated.
Along with Lef Nosi and father Anton Harapi he was condemned to death by communist Albania in a trial led by general prosecutor Misto Treska.