The clinical trial enrolled women whose tumors had been removed by surgery but who were receiving three standard chemotherapy drugs to prevent a recurrence.
Since most clinical trials enroll less severely depressed patients, the observed difference between the response to an antidepressant and a placebo can be misleadingly small.
This trial is currently enrolling and details are available at the NHI [2].
The trial enrolled patients with a variety of subtypes of renal cell carcinoma and was not restricted to clear cell kidney cancer.
The trial, called SCOUT, enrolled overweight and obese patients with risk factors for serious heart disease.
The trial enrolled a total of 301 heavy smokers who smoked an average of 24 cigarettes per day prior to enrollment.
This trial enrolled 2,784 men between 18 and 24 years old.
The clinical trial, known as HPTN 052, began in April 2005 and enrolled 1,763 couples, 97 % of whom were heterosexual.
The trial enrolled 67 subjects, 35 of which were randomly assigned to receive active treatment with 32 randomly assigned to the control group.