It's not easy to spot and it's not in a trendy neighborhood.
It is located in the Gaslamp Quarter section of the city and serves the surrounding trendy neighborhood.
Toronto is the financial headquarters of the country and three of its trendiest neighborhoods are among the most affordable.
Over the last 10 years, though, the area has evolved into one of Manhattan's trendy neighborhoods, with new restaurants, bars and boutiques.
The newest trend in that once so trendy neighborhood is the holding of events to lure customers back.
The newly trendy neighborhood of Westboro Village is the in spot for athletic clothes and gear.
Thousands of housing units are also now expected to spur Downtown's emergence as the trendiest new residential neighborhood in the city.
When the quest failed, she closed her eyes and recited an address in one of Gotham's trendy, transitional neighborhoods.
However, unlike many of the trendier neighborhoods in the city, there are few large-scale retail areas.
She looked skeptical but, next morning, she showed me three delightful places in much less trendy neighborhoods.