You can score the same trendy names for about half the price, sometimes less.
And when all else fails, throw in a trendy name.
There are two reasons for the popularity of these loans, which are just ordinary second mortgages despite their trendy name.
True to its trendy name, a bottle of Bling H2O is much more than a plastic container to hold mere water.
It's teaching with a trendier name.
Despite its trendy Japanese name, though, kakuro is neither new nor Japanese.
Today, the trendiest names are different for girls and boys.
Inconsistency, once the mark of the amateur, is now regarded as the last word in individualism - at least when practiced by the trendier names.
The only thing this Crowne Plaza needs is a new, trendier name.
He rolled his eyes, clearly tired of the indistinguishable trendy names found among today's kids.