But some motorists are not concerned with trendy items.
But there is a remarkable absence of trendy items here - no SubZero refrigerator, no commercial-style stove with six burners.
It made for a tedious show of trendy items: nylon pants, fake-fur trimmed jackets, hipster dresses.
It seems that long before pasta dishes became trendy items on restaurant menus in Utah the state had a pasta king.
Do you know how hard it was at 8 p.m. on a weeknight to hunt down a trendy item that captured the imagination of fifth graders nationwide?
Business in the huge American market, where Adidas had established its three-striped brand as a trendy item a decade earlier, had all but dried up.
Not so with trendy new items like Lands' End's $395 "ultimate cashmere sweater."
Looking to update your closet full of clothes with the trendiest items for summer?
In Tokyo, more often than not, a shopping center at each main train station is dedicated to offering the newest and trendiest items from popular Gal brands.
He capitalized on the sale of trendy items - hula hoops in the 50s, color televisions in the 60s - and also practiced real estate.