The trend underscores the increasing sensitivity of consumer-product marketers to the slightest problems in their relationships with consumers.
This trend, with new point-to-point flying between many cities, also underscores how airlines are rethinking the hub-and-spoke system they developed during the 1980's.
The trend underscores the unique investment nature of gold.
That trend has only underscored the lessening influence of foreign capital on the market here.
The trend underscores the stakes in the effort to create a Medicare drug benefit.
The new trend underscores the increasing independence of the military in a period of deep political instability in Colombia.
These trends underscore the importance of career development and succession management initiatives aimed at preparing employees for increasing responsibilities within their organizations.
The trend toward residential renting thus underscores the tendency toward ever-briefer relationships with the physical environment.
However, the trend toward urbanization underscored the importance of peripheral relationships.