Management was quick to realize, however, that societal trends away from alcohol consumption, particularly spirits, threatened the company.
This trend threatens to overwhelm local government development control sections and may jeopardise the government's drive to reduce delay in the planning system.
It's hard to say which trend threatens it more or which is more immediate.
In 2006, Carilion's management warned that trends in the health care sector threatened to undermine the organization's financial position.
This trend is having an enormous impact upon our society, and threatens the very fabric of American democracy.
It warned that such trends were threatening the quality of higher education.
In New York, however, some critics are wondering if this trend is threatening to distort the planning process.
That trend threatens to leave Packard Bell with a glut of underpowered products.
More than a decade ago, the Authors Guild warned that the trend toward concentration in book publishing threatened the diversity of opinions and ideas.
This trend threatens our leadership of the global economic system.