If the trend persists, they say, the weather there could cool considerably in coming decades.
And, if current trends persist, those workers will be increasingly confined to low-income jobs.
If those trends persist, the population is projected to reach at least nine million in the 2020's.
The trend persisted, even more than three years after Brion's death.
If the trend persists, Detroit will record its lowest number of killings since 1984.
If the trends persist, they could mean higher sea levels and widespread coastal flooding.
If that trend persists, orders for all of 1996 could climb above 1995's record levels, the association said.
If recent trends persist, it will take much longer to build market value in new ventures.
If a negative trend persists with one particular project, the project should be put on the watch list.
"The new data suggest there may be a need to modify the action plan should these trends persist," it said.