Meanwhile, the software companies continue to crank out bloatware, and there are no signs the trend to memory-hogging software is abating.
The trend did not abate, and the matter was taken up by the Federal government only in the 1960s.
And there are no signs that this trend will abate soon.
Some economists think the long-term trends driving down pay at the bottom of the ladder may be abating.
In the last three decades, the number of overweight young Americans has tripled, with no sign the trend is abating.
The trend in the 1960s to recruit from civilian sources has abated.
The strengthening trend abated early on July 8, due to wind shear, and Bertha rapidly weakened back to a Category 1 hurricane that afternoon.
This trend hasn't abated with the spread of democracy.
But even at the high end, where master bedrooms suites the size of tennis courts are common, there are signs that the trend toward bigness has abated.
This trend abated following the American revolution as slavery became regarded as unprofitable.