One canceled the tremolo effect; another brought into play an octave-tuned scale.
The tremolo effect of a vibraphone is achieved via a mechanism that opens and shuts the resonators.
The modulation wheel is usually set to control a tremolo effect by default.
However, the size of this effect is likely to be tiny compared against the tremolo effect since the distance oscillation is very small.
The song contains a tremolo effect on the guitar, set so that it vibrated in time with the song's rhythm.
Near the end of the recording, the band had an idea of utilizing the tremolo effect with vocals.
By alternating between valve combinations on the same note, a tremolo effect can be created.
Some models had built-in spring reverb and tremolo effects.
Similarly, it is possible to play without the tremolo effect by only choosing the top or bottom chambers and blocking off the others with the lips.
The first guitar amplifier with a tremolo effect was produced by Fender in 1955.