Gandhi's visit gave tremendous impetus to the congress workers to carry out the non-cooperation movement and implement the principles of Swadeshi.
"There was this tremendous impetus to try to stop this craziness," she said.
Still partly filled with gasoline, the tank had given the flames a tremendous impetus.
And he had no proof whether the depth was sufficient to take up the tremendous impetus of his whizzing body.
But the pressure to create a new kind of imperial Presidency is given tremendous impetus by the clear national perception that the Congress simply doesn't work.
Since then, Green Building movement in India has gained tremendous impetus over the years.
"That means there is tremendous impetus for change."
"We gave a tremendous political impetus to the final negotiations of the round," Mrs. Hills told reporters.
"There's a tremendous impetus of people to withdraw into themselves and bear their feelings of betrayal in solitude," he said.
The situation at the opening is finely dramatic and it gets a tremendous impetus from the early development of the plot.