"And the-the lightning with its rapid wrath, And the winds with their swiftness along their path-" The wind gave a tremendous gust, and the house shook under the impact, but stood steady.
A tremendous gust shook the windowpane as if to blow it in.
A third wing beat, a third tremendous gust, and half the thatch of the drying shed tore loose as well, and the furnishings from the rooftop tumbled over the edge into the street.
A tremendous gust ripped the raft from Mark's grasp.
As I murmured my thanks and acknowledgments, the storm broke and tremendous gusts of rain, accompanied by evernearing peals of thunder, drove with demoniac fury on the door that had closed behind me.
The clouds came low, seemed to hover and gather strength, then a tremendous gust of wind lifted the edge of the roof and ripped it away.
This particular sally was always received with a tremendous gust of laughter, but the film which followed was watched with rapt attention.
A tremendous gust of wind swept down upon the ship,careening her far over.
Just as she straightened her sunglasses for the third time, smiled big and braced against the wind, a tremendous gust wrapped the black scarf all the way around her head.
The little man turned for the door but got hit in the face with a tremendous magical gust of wind that nearly knocked him over and sent him spinning to again face the wizard.