A tremendous volcanic eruption that occurred in Turkey near the beginning of the drought, the scientists said, almost certainly could not have triggered such a long climate change.
Here where the sensors had formerly indicated the presence of the cone, now the trans-light equipment revealed a tremendous eruption of energy.
Askja was virtually unknown until the tremendous eruption which started on March 29, 1875.
The muffled explosions came in seconds followed by a tremendous eruption as the boxes of grenades and ammo we had stored there exploded in sympathetic detonation.
And then he heard a tremendous eruption and felt a rush of air, followed by an almost eerie silence.
Kate wasn't ready for his tremendous pulsating eruption that flowed heatedly deep into her desperately working throat, and she choked and sputtered and gagged at first.
Between 40 and 20 million years ago, in the Eocene and Miocene eras, tremendous volcanic eruptions frequently modified much of the landscape traversed by the Columbia.
The tremendous magical eruption had upset the delicate balance of creation-what the dwarves on Cheles-tra would later come to refer to as "the Wave."
Studies show that some galaxies are suffering tremendous eruptions as their cores blast radiation and matter outward.
They were encouraged, though, by the experience of using the Hubble telescope to map the extensive rippling effects of a tremendous eruption on Saturn two years ago.