With a breathless gasp at the clear reminder of his hard arousal, she trembled helplessly, swept away by the force and potency of her own desire.
She was bareheaded, and her face was tearstained, and she was trembling helplessly, trying to hold her two children close to her.
Black-garbed wizards came running nearer, then turned and fled, or stood and trembled helplessly, when he who had been Chup looked at them.
Molly lies helplessly trembling in convulsions.
He felt himself trembling helplessly.
She scraped her teeth over him, down him, until the muscles he had toned trembled helplessly.
The attorney had lurched to his feet; trembling helplessly, he returned to the chair and leaned forward, his head in his hands.
That alone, in combination with the other hands, made Stephanie tremble helplessly with pleasure.
"The only comfort in the world for what ails us is this," he whispered, and his hot wet mouth came down hard again on her helplessly trembling lips.
His soft lips, usually tightly pressed in calm disdain, were now trembling helplessly.