Pwojè Pyebwa is a tree-planting project in Haiti.
The organization also sponsors tree-planting projects intended to protect tigers in Siberia and monarch butterflies in Mexico.
Free Trees Q. Our local scout troop wants to take on a tree-planting project.
Within the city the public lands adjoining the river and Lake Hamilton have been subject to spasmodic tree-planting projects.
Farmers who are temporarily benefiting from the compensation will soon rely on governmental subsidy once the tree-planting project is completed.
Some environmentalists have questioned the effectiveness of tree-planting projects for carbon offset purposes.
In an effort to cut costs, some tree-planting projects introduce fast-growing invasive species that end up damaging native forests and reducing biodiversity.
Programmes include green building, green job skills training for local villagers, organic farming, and a tree-planting project.
Neither natural regrowth nor tree-planting projects could keep pace with the demand for forest products.
Pupils were due to join in a tree-planting project today.