She marked with her eye where the guards stood, how they came and went and where the walls and accesses lay, where trees and bushes topped the walls inside and how the wall went to the very edge of the white marble building.
The individual trees were themselves of venerable age, their rough-barked trunks carved by nature into rich gar- goyle shapes, and topped with luxuriant dark green foli- age.
In My Neighbor Totoro, the great tree tops a hillside on which magical creatures reside, and the family worships this tree.
At first I thought it just a wood, but then I noted that the trunks were evenly spaced, and the trees themselves topped and pruned until they gave more the impression of a high fence.
Topping the list of solutions to capture CO2 and reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases are synthetic trees, invented by geophysicist, Klaus Lackner, of Columbia University (USA).
The trees like dark shadows in the headlights as we raced down a two lane black topped road back to where Hope and I would find a "Gateway" to another time, another "world", one better than this!
Early shoots poked through the matted brown of last year's grasses, and where trees topped a low hill here and there, the first red of new growth was showing.
Continuing our preparations, I mentioned to MacCarty that I wanted faces camouflaged and helmets "tree topped," that is, covered with foliage.