The White Dragon collapsing on the bench and plying a tree frond as a fan in exaggerated relief at the Lord's departure.
Nira felt the tree fronds vibrate around her and recognized the approach of another priest.
Traditionally, priests wore little clothing so they could walk where the tree fronds might brush against the sensory receptors on their skin.
The screening mass of tree fronds had been torn away.
He saw glitterings through the tree fronds come to a smoothly decelerated stop.
When he found a place to sleep on dried tree fronds, he arranged himself so that the rising sun would shine in his face and wake him.
The species exists on coconut palms in all forms, from larval to moth, and utilizes the tree fronds as a main source of nutrition.
"D'ram ought to have known better," Sharra said, collapsing on the bench and plying a tree frond as a fan in exaggerated relief at the Lord's departure.
Both the mouse jaw and the tree fronds were in keeping with viggy law concerning tools.
She had gathered dried tree fronds for fire, if it became necessary to have fire, and she lit a small pile of them with the firestarter from the rations kit.