Many treaty supporters are looking for ways to bring an improved version before the Senate in the future.
Mr. Helms, a North Carolina Republican, has blocked a Senate vote on the 1979 United Nations accord and declined to meet personally with treaty supporters.
The White House and treaty supporters did not consult with Republican leaders on the treaty and had no idea of the depth of opposition until it was too late.
"We're not giving in to anything," he said, pointing to the crowd of treaty supporters, who outnumbered protesters Saturday night at Butternut Lake.
This allowed Iraq to masquerade as a treaty supporter while secretly making bombs.
The goal of such trading is to foster international markets for energy-efficient technologies, treaty supporters said.
Those guarantees amounted to a painful concession by treaty supporters.
This afternoon, Mr. Clinton assembled a group of current and retired military officers, Nobel laureates and other treaty supporters at a White House ceremony.
But Danish treaty supporters say they face an uphill battle in winning approval here.
Senator Jeffords, a longtime treaty supporter, fought back on April 6, urging Secretary of State Colin L. Powell to persevere.