The treaty seeks to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.
The treaty seeks to involve western private enterprise and technology in rehabilitating the oil and gas industries of the former Soviet Union.
The treaty sought to create an "area of freedom, justice and security" as well as strengthen the CFSP.
The treaty originally sought to avoid an arms race in which new offensive weapons were built to overwhelm antimissile defenses.
The Trifinio plan or treaty sought to provide a more viable and effective alternative to unilateral development thereby concentrating on greater multinational integration.
Individual fishing quotas and international treaties seek to control the species and quantities caught.
Both treaties also sought to confirm the status of the Tulunid governor as a vassal of the caliphal family seated in Baghdad.
The 1951 treaty, largely through the efforts of America's principal negotiator, John Foster Dulles, sought to eliminate any possibility of war reparations.
Various treaties have sought to ban its further use.
The regional treaty seeks an end to guerrilla wars in the region and provides steps to increase democracy and demilitarize Central America.