Very few people who are not specialists have the skills to evaluate the relative merits of different medical treatment providers.
Their quality varies widely, say state officials, advocates for addicts and other treatment providers.
To push for change, Ieyoub formed a coalition of police officials, treatment providers, community activists and religious groups.
As for civil proceedings, treatment providers may have to treat families going through divorce and/or custody cases.
The plan fails to recognize that many treatment providers operate throughout the state and that few counties can, by themselves, mount a range of services.
These resources address the diagnosis or management of maple syrup urine disease and may include treatment providers.
Part of this involves rewarding treatment providers who show addicts have improved their health and employment prospects.
The program is a collaboration of effort among religious organizations, law enforcement, elected officials, volunteers, treatment providers, educators, and more.
Professional treatment providers have differing opinions on this issue.
Member States, hospitals, patient associations and treatment providers can all learn from each other.