The efficiency of treatment interventions for post traumatic disorder in children have not been researched upon extensively.
However, all of these treatment interventions (particularly the stimulation techniques) are relatively new and randomised, controlled trial evidence is still limited.
Each of these studies contribute to a new avenue of research that allows effective treatment interventions to be made more easily accessible to the population.
Moreover, the dynamic positive approach of protective factors aims to create new opportunities for effective and achievable treatment interventions.
Pioneering and evaluating treatment interventions to improve the lives of affected patients and their families.
EA is the most commonly used treatment intervention; a few studies have used moxibustion.
There has been one treatment intervention that has shown to be particularly effective.
Ultimately this work is relevant to developing biomarkers and more focused treatment interventions for these disorders.
A powerful argument for causation could be the effect of treatment interventions.
If the child or adolescent is experiencing the treatment intervention as forceful, then their feeling of helplessness increases.