Integrated treatment can improve accessibility, service individualization, engagement in treatment, treatment compliance, mental health symptoms, and overall outcomes.
Again, prognosis is variable and dependent upon the affected individual, treatment compliance, and degree of vision loss at diagnosis.
Also, do they show a similar degree of treatment compliance?
The treatment regimen should also be easy to follow by the patient, both human and canine, to improve or maintain high rate of treatment compliance.
It can also interfere with peer & romantic relationships, and the desire for independence can lead to poor treatment compliance.
Treating the depression may lessen the overall impairment from medical and mental conditions and result in better treatment compliance and cooperation with these patients, Dr. Regier said.
Older adults often have better treatment compliance, lower dropout rates, and more positive responses to psychotherapy than younger patients.
Moreover, in a patient population selected to tolerate ACE inhibitors, telmisartan was shown to be better tolerated and associated with higher treatment compliance than ramipril.
In patients with comorbid substance abuse disorder and BP-II, episodes have a longer duration and treatment compliance decreases.
The University of Virginia is carrying out a study exploring the use of text messaging for HIV appointment reminders and treatment compliance.