Among the services provided by the agency are oral health, housing, case management, nutritional health, treatment adherence, and home health.
Rates of treatment adherence were 65% and 74% among patients who took the LTRA pills, compared to 41% and 46% among patients treated with the preventive inhaled steroids.
Moreover, according to FTT, precise information does not necessarily work to communicate health-related information, which has obvious implications to public policy and procedures for improving treatment adherence in particular.
Includes information on testing, medications, treatment adherence, and prevention.
Expand research on treatment adherence to include systematic assessments on why patients do not adhere to treatment regimens, as well as how patients self-manage or individually tailor their treatments.
It has been found to predict treatment adherence (compliance) and concordance and outcome across a range of client/patient diagnoses and treatment settings.
Research carried out in Bethania Hospital in 1996-97 was able to contribute to better understanding the problem of low treatment adherence among patients.
Depressed patients and treatment adherence.
Its goal is to facilitate treatment adherence and provide education about the illness and its treatment.
Camp addresses the tough and sensitive topics of treatment adherence, healthy relationships, future planning, and smart decisions through a unique combination of educational sessions, activities, dramas and discussions.