After the treatment accorded us by Edwards and Parkin, mere courtesy seemed, by contrast, the highest of virtues.
The comprehensive treatment accorded Webern, on the 50th anniversary of his death, was especially welcome.
There are about 200 of them who have chosen to live at the Diplomat, and some say they resent the more sheltered treatment accorded the Ethiopians.
The extraordinarily light treatment accorded Mr. Kanemaru prompted a public outcry that emboldened the leadership's many enemies.
Obviously, the special treatment accorded Aaron and Corina put barely a dent in a problem that is enormous.
However, the king felt dissatisfied with the treatment accorded him.
Diplomats agree that the treatment accorded Cubans is special, but insist there is no discrimination against Haitians.
For a society with more than enough on its mind already, the separate-but-equal treatment accorded the sergeant introduced a new ripple of consternation.
You demand the treatment accorded a gentleman?
A few Naibs had come out to observe the treatment accorded a fellow Fremen.