Retirees must be treated fairly and equitably in relation to the other creditors.
However, whether one likes or dislikes a product is a matter quite apart from whether or not it should be treated equitably in world trade.
All class members must be treated equitably.
The law provides that benefits can be cut only after a judge has determined that "the affected parties are treated fairly and equitably."
But as a rule, Mr. Corcoran said, most municipalities will be treated equitably under the new formula.
The government, she said, codifies justice into rules so that all people in similar economic circumstances are treated equitably.
We desire to be treated equitably (Adams, 1965).
Make sure that employees are treated equitably (Equity).
"All we asked was that American and Korean cigarettes be treated equitably," he said.
It seems equally clear that the death penalty cannot be administered so that all those to whom it might apply are treated equitably.