He quickly added that the cases of foreigners who request asylum are treated confidentially.
We will appreciate information from citizens and all such information will be treated confidentially.
'All calls will be treated confidentially and there should be no fear at all of their identity being disclosed.'
Information provided will be treated confidentially by my office.
The Service runs a National Helpline; all calls, messages and emails are treated confidentially.
Assurance that any complaint will be taken seriously, treated confidentially and that employees making complaints will be protected from retaliation.
Okay, you understood that the publishers wanted the matter treated confidentially, but you were at present busy completing the final editorial work on a new book.
This information will be used for the sole purpose of contacting the individual who made the inquiry, and all information provided will be treated confidentially.
Information provided will be treated confidentially by my staff and me.
All information, furthermore, would need to be treated strictly confidentially.