By 1939, the Hospital had annually treated 12,115 patients with bed care, and another 23,099 visited the dispensary for treatment.
More than 10,000 children are treated on an emergency basis annually.
Perhaps 10,000 laryngeal cancer cases are treated annually, but only about 3,000 people undergo the surgery each year.
That means about 400 people would needed to be treated annually, for one to benefit.
In the early 2000s, between 1 and 7% of the population, depending on the island, were annually treated for food poisoning in a hospital.
About 9,750 children are treated as inpatients annually in various specialties.
The comparative data included the number of patients that the hospitals treated annually and the complication rates after surgery.
More than 68,000 patients are treated within the Texas Oncology network annually.
About 6-12 million children between the ages of 3 and 11 are treated annually for head lice in the United States alone.
Over 40,000 patients are treated annually by the institute's hospital in Thimphu.