The Colonial Government began discussing the idea of constructing a hospital to treat patients with infectious diseases.
Here patients are treated with diseases or abnormalities of the spine and impending or occurring Paraplegia.
In addition to the cosmetic procedures mentioned in your article, they learn how to treat patients with severe dermatologic diseases.
The American Heart Association estimates that $101.3 billion was spent on treating all people with cardiovascular diseases in the United States last year.
Rather it is teaching the practice of medicine while treating real patients with real diseases.
The state's Attorney General had sued the company over Medicaid expenses tied to treating people with diseases caused by cigarette smoking.
Brines also have some pharmaceutical properties, which can be used to treat people, especially those with diseases of the skin, allergies and common colds.
The fifth chapter, consisting of five tablets, possibly treats with specific diseases such as those evidenced by skin lesions and fever.
The Watkins Wing opened in January 1863 to treat patients with infectious diseases.
Sympathy can also impact the way doctors, nurses, and other members of society think about and treat people with different diseases and conditions.