Many firms have been operating under the bad advice to treat religion the way you treat sex, which is to ban it from the workplace.
It treats sex as a morally meaningless act.
That show, which treated sex with a hilarious sourness that has not been seen on television since, needed the closed set to "liberate" the actors.
Women who treat sex casually usually get treated casually.
We had to respect the rules and treat sex as something pretty special.
On the one hand, some Christians treat doubt as a matter of guilt and secrecy, in much the same way as the Victorians treated sex.
The topics vary, treating sex, love, women, his own sexual and literary prowess, and feudal politics.
He displayed a rare talent in treating sex without falling into vulgarity which was to later became the trademark of the so-called Bharathan touch.
"The lack of completeness is there in the way in which the movies treat drugs and sex," said the director Michael Ritchie.
Rather than treat sex as "wrapped up in cotton wool", the band intended to be open, upfront, and aggressive in their discussion of the topic.