He was a 75-year-old psychiatrist who had managed to put behind him his own macabre criminal history and was treating inmates at the county jail.
The doctor, it said, had "allegedly treated other inmates in a cruel and unprofessional manner."
Each day became a race to treat inmates in the infirmary, answer sick calls and hunt down missing medical records.
All that is really necessary is to treat inmates like everyone else.
Lynn asserted that the program was saturated with Christian fundamentalism and treated non-fundamentalist inmates like second-class citizens.
The problem often goes unchecked because some states do not treat inmates with the disease, the study said.
Nino treats other inmates and staff fairly for the most part.
The second state law, enacted in 1996, created a program to treat mentally ill inmates who have committed violent sexual acts against at least two victims.
In this cell block was also a clinic designed to treat inmates who had swallowed razor blades or drugs.
We have seen the destruction of our efforts to treat inmates with basic dignity.