If you are being treated for high blood pressure, your doctor can answer any questions or concerns you may have during your regular visits.
I'm also treated for high blood pressure and was told I had to stop Effexor.
His mother, Janice, has been treated for high blood pressure.
In 1991, he was treated for high blood pressure and a kidney infection.
If you are being treated for high blood pressure, keep using this medication even if you feel fine.
He was being treated for high blood pressure and evaluated for other medical conditions, which the hospital did not identify.
The doctors, she said, treated the older women with medication for high blood pressure and gave the child Tylenol.
Over time, people who do not get treated for high blood pressure can get very sick or even die.
He has been put on a low-salt diet and is being treated for mild high blood pressure.
While you are being treated for high blood pressure, keep using your prescribed medications even if you feel fine.