Note, however, that SRIM does not treat effects such as channelling, damage due to electronic energy deposition (necessary, e.g., to describe swift heavy ion damage in materials) or damage produced by excited electrons.
Sending Microsoft or Google into bankruptcy might disrupt your personal life in a more direct way than losing Goldman Sachs or Barclays, but technology treats systemic damage as a fault and routes around it.
As I had noted before, the main damage seemed to be in the knee and ankle areas, and I registered this with dismay, for, while I might have been able to set a broken tibia by touch, I could see no way I could treat such damage as Nebogipfel had sustained.
There may be some information on treating damage caused by disrupters.
Preliminary research suggests that cord blood could also be used to treat neurological damage due to trauma, such as cerebral palsy, although it's still not clear if this is true.
It is also used on the skin for treating or preventing damage to the inside of the mouth caused by chemotherapy or radiation.
Surgery is used to treat severe damage.
The Guidant portfolio of products to treat damage to the circulatory system from diseases like diabetes generates more than $1 billion annually in sales.
Exposure to high levels of noise have differing effects within a given population, and the involvement of reactive oxygen species suggests possible avenues to treat or prevent damage to hearing and related cellular structures.