There are some tangible signs that American society is more willing to treat illegal immigrants as de facto community members than as criminals.
He has shown how readers put aside ordinary knowledge and values while they read, treating, for example, criminals as heroes.
On the other hand, some states have passed new laws that treat juvenile criminals as responsible adults.
When a participant complained that the justice system treated criminals too softly, Chief Farrell said that citizens could always "vote for change."
Combining traditional sentencing with alternative reading programs might be an innovative way to treat criminals compassionately while simultaneously cutting down the likelihood of repeat offenses.
What is more, she starts to hold ill feelings for her father, for he got rid of Kikumoto's body as if treating criminals.
Nearly as many said the court system and prisons were not treating criminals harshly enough.
We treat criminals in a disrespectful and often dehumanising way so that they will continue to express our Shadow.
Why the United States takes so different a view of how to treat criminals is a question too deep for exploration here.
Long-firm fraudsters seem to get treated more leniently by the police and the legal system than do 'conventional' criminals.