Big museums have treated art by women, whether expressly feminist or not, as box-office poison.
The tool may prove particularly useful in treating ancient wooden art for insect or fungal infestation.
Perhaps as important, by treating art as part of everyday life, it reinforces the public's sense of ownership.
They have treated art as if it were a powerful but bad-tasting medicine that the less knowledgeable members of the public should be forced to drink.
Many European cities treat art, treat musicians, the way some grandchildren of rich people treat money.
We live in an age when men treat art as if it were meant to be a form of autobiography.
Some schools treat art as essential, with extensive cultural programs that are integrated into the rest of the curriculum.
At Goldsmiths', students are given studio space, sessions with tutors and instruction in how to treat art as a potentially lucrative business.
Holidays were then treated as high art, with Christmas the ultimate celebration.
They feel that as a matter of course museums treat African art as primitive.