It is a 501(c)3 private non profit organization that treated around 850 children and their families in 2008.
Sarah then left the country with Peter, so she could accompany him as he treated patients around the world.
I understood the man in the ring who treated himself and everyone around him badly.
Shortly before, he wrote that he was unhappy about the way the media were treating the events around him.
He treated those around him with utmost kindness and courtesy.
They plan to treat around fifty patients a week, for the next month.
It has a total of roughly 900 beds and treats around 700,000 patients each year.
Based on this awareness, we need to treat the natural world around us responsibly.
The subsequent eight volumes cover the known plant families of the area in alphabetical order, each treating around 1000-1300 species.
Hospitals in Karnataka treat around 8,000 health tourists every year.