Roy's gift box hadn't contained a bathrobe at all but rather his treasured and superb collection of miniature aircraft.
Within a treasured collection, objects are redeemed: they are granted freedom from the mundane.
Bond looked round the walls at M's treasured collection of naval prints.
Bit by bit I was edging back Kitty's parade of tiny ceramics with my treasured collection of books.
"It is one of the most treasured collections."
Watch videos highlighting fascinating artifacts from our treasured collections as presented by Library of Congress curators.
This made the book not only a useful reference, but also a treasured collection of Jewish humor.
In 1934, the Count creates the idea of creating another institution to pick up these treasured collections and also the traditions of the Spanish People.
Sorka had been forced to reduce her treasured collection of toy horses to three of the smallest, and her book tapes to ten.
There was a toilet, hidden behind Sam's treasured collection of anarchist, radical, union literature.