Mud clogged their strides, made every step treacherous.
The route down the far side of Heavenly Capital Peak descends along a narrow staircase carved with occasionally treacherous steps, so descend slowly.
As for the "treacherous 29 steps" to which Mr. Backen refers, they are indeed a formidable ascent.
The course of pregnancy does not always run smooth, and it's better to leave the gate with a doctor who will support you through every treacherous step of the way.
A few more treacherous steps and he was suddenly out of the rain, standing beneath a short awning that overhung the building front.
Rows of treacherous steps, and a notorious wind-tunnel effect which could blow over the unwary on the wrong day.
It required several treacherous steps to reach a point from which they could both peer into the cleft.
Drachea's head for heights was sound enough, but as they climbed the treacherous steps it became evident that his strength was rapidly deserting him.
"It's getting worse," she said in a worried voice and raced up the winding, treacherous steps.
And all this performance; running to catch his last train, racing down those treacherous steps of Shadwell tube, a couple of times missing one and nearly breaking an ankle.